Woodland Adventure
Forest School Harrow
Learning to Learn Out of Doors
Forest School Harrow seeks to engage with young people in a safe but challenging outdoor setting, encouraging them to respect and care for each other and take responsibility for their local environment.
Forest School Harrow takes place on the campus of All Saints' Church, Harrow Weald. The campus includes the church, the churchyard meadow nature reserve and an area of attractive mature secondary woodland - managed as the Bentley Old Vicarage Nature Reserve.
Forest School Harrow is managed as a partnership between Harrow Council and All Saints' Church, Harrow Weald. The project is supported by John Lyon's Charity.
The Forest School Ethos
Forest Schools originated in Scandinavia, where outdoor living and learning is totally embedded in society. Forest School was adopted by Denmark in the 1980's as a solution to the lack of buildings available for the number of nursery places required.
The philosophy of the Forest School was based upon the desire to provide children with an education which encouraged appreciation of the wider, natural world and which would encourage responsibility for nature conservation in later life.
Forest School was introduced in the UK, in 1995. Since then it has been rapidly developing in the UK, where trained and accredited Forest School leaders devise a learning program tailored to children's interests and individual needs.
Contact Us
Phone: 0208 954 8865 (Mon - Fri 09:00 - 13:00)
Email: woodlandadventureharrow@gmail.com