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'a serving community; aspiring to follow Jesus; for the good of the world'


Wednesday at 1030 Said Eucharist (public worship in All Saints, and live streamed)

Sunday at 1000 Eucharist with Hymns (public worship in All Saints, and live streamed)


All services can be viewed live on our Facebook group page "All Saints Harrow Weald", and recordings are available also on our YouTube channel "All Saints Harrow Weald".


When we are able to reopen our regular programme for public worship is as follows:

Holy Communion 

Every Sunday at 8:45am

A said service of Holy Communion with address.
The liturgy of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer is followed on the last Sunday of the month.

Family Eucharist

First Sunday of every month at 10:00am.

A more informal service. Sung worship led by our singers and musicians. Young people lead intercessions and take an active role within the service. Projected images, enacted liturgy, dramatised readings as appropriate.

Cubs, Scouts, Brownies and Guides usually attend.

Choral Eucharist

Every second, third and fourth Sunday at 10:00am.
Our Parish Eucharist lasts approximately 1 hour. Sung worship is led by the choir and often includes an anthem and/or Taize chants. Children/young peoples' activities and creche offered

Care Through Prayer
A dedicated prayer team is available following any service at All Saints'.
Prayer is offered in complete confidence and is administered by members of the healing prayer team.

Mid-week Eucharist

Every Wednesday at 10:30am for ½ hour. Followed by coffee.
A said service of Holy Communion with prayers for the sick and those in need. Includes address.

Taize Worship
A monthly service of song, prayer, meditation, candles, poetry, atmosphere and 'ambiance'.

Forest Church
A termly act of worship meeting in the woods behind the church. Forest Church celebrates creation through story telling, liturgy, music and crafts. Tea and toast are enjoyed around the fire.

Messy Church
Bible stories, craft activities and food! An all age act of worship held on the last Sunday of the month between 2.00pm and 4.00pm in the woods behind the church.

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