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'a serving community; aspiring to follow Jesus; for the good of the world'

We are currently recruiting for the position of Vicar of All Saints'​
Please click here for the full Job Description

All Saints' is a lively and diverse fellowship of people of all ages and ethnicities. We are an Anglican church where the  Eucharist is at the heart of our worship. We are open and welcoming to all. These slides give a flavour of our activities both inside and outside All Saints.​​​

Here is our usual weekly programme:

Wednesday at 1030 Said Eucharist
(public worship in All Saints, and live streamed)

Sunday at 1000 Eucharist with Hymns
(public worship in All Saints, and live streamed)

All of our services are recorded and are available on our YouTube channel "All Saints Harrow Weald".

For those who do not use social media please send an email to and we will contact you


If anybody has pastoral needs please contact the office either by phone 020 8954 8865 or by email


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